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Useful Tools: Civ4Fans, Teamspeak and Hamachi

October 31, 2009 Leave a comment


When moving around the civ multiplayer community one soon stumbles upon certain handy tools used by people on different occasions. Some are useful any time playing civ, others only serve a purpose in specific situations. Three of those programs that come in handy for every league player at one time or another are supposed to find a closer description here. Most of their functions are self-explanatory, it´s more a questions of knowing about their existence.

Teamspeak (TS)
Download Link: Download Teamspeak here.

Teamspeak is a voice-over-ip communication program, which allows you to talk and listen to multiple people at once. Many clans have their resident teamspeak server, using it for normal league play in order to share some strategical thoughts or just have some fun together. Often many people playing in a random shuffle teamer gather on one of those servers. TS shines most during clan games, where it allows for precise coordination and extensive in advance planning – it is a precondition of reaching a higher skill level as a team to use a voice communication program, most civ players choose teamspeak here.

TS Server from various mp civ clans:
French + SD2R + XXX + PPP: / pw: coa

Civ4Fans (C4F)
Download Link: Download Civ4Fans here.

Civ4Fans allows you to access the civ lobby, also when not having civ itself started or while being in a game. To do so click on “chat/lobby – bts”. It´s often used for finding a substitute in league games in case one is needed. To do so leaving the game is not necessary, tasking to the already running c4f or just the desktop to launch c4f is enough and allows for a more comfortable and faster way of getting the game to continue within the league rules.

Another aspect of civ4fans is the possibility of chatting with other people, leaving them messages and generally providing a comfortable platform to interact with other members of the community or organize games.

Finally C4F provides a couple of useful options. For one it´s possible to set civ to automatically disable caching. A not emptied cache can be responsible for blocks between players during the joining of a game. To enable this option, click on “options – civ 4 bts configuration” and set “Disable Caching” to “1”.

Download Link: Download Hamachi here.

Hamachi is a software which simulates a local area network (lan) over the internet. This comes in handy in cases of severe connection problems between specific players or whenever Gamespy is having a bad day.

The buttons have no names – in order to join a network click on the middle one from the bottom three, the triangle one. Click on “join network” and enter the data you´ve been provided with. After having done that, you see the hamachi network IP´s – right click on the name of the host of the game you want to join and choose the option “copy address”. Within civ go to multiplayer-direct ip and paste it (ctrl +v) where demanded. If necessary enter the password.

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Fastmoves Library

May 9, 2010 2 comments

This post gives a categorized overview on our work, with short descriptions of the categories or individual articles, especially for those readers, that didn´t join us right at the start.

your fastmoves staff

Introductions into Civilization Multiplayer

Introductionary articles for players that are new to Civilization Multiplayer. They contain information on concepts of civilization that are not used in singleplayer but in multiplayer and introduce the common game formats in the multiplayer community.

A summary of the ways civ4 is played in multiplayer

Civilization Multiplayer: city elimination, simultaneous turns and timer

Useful Tools: Civ4Fans, Teamspeak and Hamachi

General Articles on Civilization Multiplayer

The Art of Attacking in Civilization Multiplayer
Extensive Article on how to attack best in Civ Multiplayer explaining underlying principles, the effects of terrain and culture. Shows and explains several strong ways of attacking, like direct hit, fork and culture bomb.

Defending in Civ MP
Counterpart of the article on attacking. Explains the importance of sentry network and culture, gives advice on how to plant your cities to provide good defense, block enemy moves and how to best counter approaching stacks.

Anti-Choke: Dealing with Warriors and Archers in Ancient
Guide on how to defend against units attacking you early in game. Gives detailed information on how to anticipate units coming for you and how to best protect your buildup.

Vision range and its role for offense and defense in civilization multiplayer
Describes the rules of vision range for units, which is very important for building up a sentry network for defense on the one hand and plan sneaky attacks on the other hand.

How to read the Power Graph in Demographics
Lists of power values of important units, average unit values in each era and guide on how to device the amount of enemy army from the demography screen.

Tricks #1: The Culture Bug
Explains the use of the so called culture bug, that allows you to build culture and a unit/building in the same turn. This is a common (and important) part of later era games.

The Art of Boating
Article on efficieny and different ways of attacks via sea (commonly called boating). Gives advice on when boating makes sense and how to do so best.

Putting a Great General to good use
Explains the diffent ways a Great Geneal can be used.

The Happiness Cap
Explanations of the concept of the “happiness cap” and its impact on the game and possible strategy.

Components of Score
Article on how score is calculated, what it can tell you and when and how it effects your strategy.


Traits in ffa and Ironman
About the individual usefulness of traits for ffa and Ironman type games and how you have to adopt your game style to those traits in order to put them to full use.

Maps, Difficulty, Settings – how to adapt
Description of what impact different maps and other options like difficulty have on the game, how you need to adopt your game style to that and what influence that has on how good the different traits and civs are, with a special focus on choice of civ.

Interaction of traits and choice of leader
Article explaining how the traits interact with each other, why certain combinations aren´t good and two good traits dont make a good leader and what combinations can be useful in which situation.

When to attack and NOT attack
Guidelines on what circumstances are necessary for a war to make sense in a Ironman/cton/ffa game with special distinction from duels and teamers.

How To: Space Race

CTON #1: Getting started

CTON #2 Midgame Party

Introductions into later Eras (non ancient start)

Most players only know Civilization games starting in ancient era. However in multiplayer every era is used as starting era, to enjoy all parts civ while keeping games within a reasonable timeframe.
The buildup principles and strategies for later era starts are obviously very different from ancient (especially Renaissance and later). The articles of this category explain the basic buildup principles for their specific era and give an overview of common strategies in order to introduce players into those eras, that are new to them.

Renaissance Start, especially in Multiplayer Teamer

Modern & Future Start, especially in Multiplayer Teamers

Introduction into Industrial

Introduction into Medieval

Series MP Strategies

This series features strategies for actual ingame situations relying on our theoretical raw material in the general articles. The strategies are common or actually not so common ones, that are actually used in exactly that fashion by top players in CCC as well as regular games.

Medi 3v3 – “The Hammer”
Strategy for a massive slow stack attack with a leathal mix of Cho-Ko-Nu, Samurai, Macemen,War Elephants, Pikemen, Catapults and Trebuchets shortly before the opponent reaches Knights in a 3v3 Medieaval Inland Sea Teamer.

Ironman/ffa – “Cav Upgrade Rush”
Strategy for quickly and cheaply killing an techonologically inferior opponent in an Ironman/ffa game with a stack of Cavalry mostly upgraded from Knights.

Ironman/ffa – “The great Modern war”

Strategy for a big conquest war with Infantry/Artillerie/Machine Guns, relying on overwhelming your opponent by superior production and massive force.

Other Strategy Articles

About the Expansive Trait
Math behind and use of the strongest trait in ancient start, noble difficulty.

A Flop5 of Unique Units

A Top7 of Unique Units

National Wonders

National Wonders #1: Flop3

National Wonders #2: Top3

National Wonders #3: Good. Basic. Not Game Breaking
#4: Specific. Key for some scenarios

Series Civics in Focus

Each part explains one branch of the Civics menu. The articles contain the effects and requirements of each Civic, explain in which game formats and in which situations they can be used and give short introductions into how they can be put to their best effect.

I. Government
II. Legal
III. Labor
IV. Economy
V. Religion

Series Good UB – Bad UB

Series on Unique Buildings. Each Part evalutates two to 4 unique buildings, explaining in what situations they can be used and why they are useful there – or otherwise why they are not.

Introductory post of each Part:
There are no just good or just bad buildings
Even though the title suggests different, there are basically no just good or just bad unique buildings (and units). Every UB and UU has to be evaluated in the context of the game settings and overall strategy it´s supposed to be used in. A (fictional) unique unit archer that gets +100% against melee units is useless in an game played on Islands, where you have no (military) contact with your opponents until Astronomy is researched and archers are long obsolete. A unique building is good if it significantly supports a (playable) strategy.

#1 Research Institute, Terrace
#2 Salon, Hippodrome
#3 Mint, Ger
#4 Forum, Baray
#5 Pavilion, Stele, Rathaus, Ikhanda
#6 Assembly Plant, Mausoleum, Hammam, Ball Court
#7 Obelisk, Odeon
#8 Dun, Citadel, Totem Pole
#9 Apothecary, Garden, Dike
#10 Cothon, Trading Post, Feitoria
#11 Madrassa, Sacrificial Altar, Stock Exchange, Seowon, Mall, Ziggurat

The Fastmoves Challenge

Fastmoves multiplayer related edition of the game of the month, with video analysis on the best possible approach afterwards.

#1 Robinson Crusoe´s thirst for knowledge
Video Solution

#2 Montezuma´s Revenge

#3 Smart Ragnar

Video Solution

Quiz Time

#1: Max Production in 10 Turns


#2 The Eternal City


#3 Manchester´s Big Brother


Concept Ideas

Articles on conceptional ideas for Civilization, like new functions for building or guidelines for mapskripting.

#1 Building: Assembly Line

#2 City Commerce and Specialization

#3 Mapdesign for Multiplayer Civ


Single Player Funkiness

4 city Ancient buildup with Shaka

Report on CCC Playoff Match between clans [RUS] and [PPP]

Not Gameplay related Stuff

Civilization Network – a commentary

New Mapscript: fm_Mirror_Inland_Sea1

Echoes from the Civ World

Echos from the Civ World #1

Announcement of Civilization 5

Civilization 5: First info and screenshots

Civilization 5: “1-unit-per-tile” concept

Civilization 5: trailer by 2k.Games

Civilization 5: All known Civ5 Facts

Civilization 5: Video Content

New Civ5 Revelations

Categories: multiplayer